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    Filomena DE NIGRIS

    Insegnamento di CLINICAL PATHOLOGY


    SSD: MED/05

    CFU: 1,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Testi di riferimento

    G. Federici: Medicina di laboratorio - Mc Graw Hill (last edition)

    Obiettivi formativi

    Il corso ha lo scopo di fornire informazioni di base circa i principali test id laboratorio


    Conoscenze di base di biologia istologia ed immunologia

    Metodologie didattiche

    Lezioni frontali

    Metodi di valutazione

    Verifica apprendimento nozioni di base diagnostica di laboratorio

    Altre informazioni

    Materiale didattico verra fornito durante il corso

    Programma del corso

    Inserimento dati di laboratorio
    Esame emocromocitometrico Esame sierologico Marcatori di danno Epatico
    Marcatori di danno cardiaco
    Coagulazione Emocomponenti
    Le trasfusioni
    Determinazione emocompatibilita
    Reazioni avverese alle trasfusioni
    Diabete indicatori e loro dosaggio
    Insufficienza renale acuta
    Insufficienza renale cronica


    Teaching language



    The course aims to enable the student to know, understand and interpret the main laboratory tests

    Textbook and course materials

    G. Federici: Medicina di laboratorio - Mc Graw Hill (last edition)

    Course objectives

    The course aims to enable the student to know, understand and interpret the main laboratory tests.


    Basic knowledge of biology, cytology, histology and genetics is required to understand the topics covered in the course

    Teaching methods

    Frontal lessons. During the lessons we will discuss the issues related to laboratory tests in relation to nursing.

    Evaluation methods

    Lectures and interactive work with the students.
    The topics of Clinical Pathology will be accompanied by presentations of clinical cases and images.

    Tools to support teaching
    Presentations of the lessons with slides.
    Professional Training Activities (AFP) c/o Laboratories of U.O.C. of Clinical Immunology, Immunohematology, Transfusion Medicine and Transplant Immunology.

    Other information

    The lessons cover the issues related to laboratory tests and their interpretation.
    Supplementary material will be available during the lesson

    Course Syllabus

    Insertion of the Laboratory data in the diagnostic procedure and its functions in other optics such as prevention, prognosis, therapy and screening. Emergency exams and routines (examples)
    Evaluation criteria of the analytical data
    Factors that influence the reliability and interpretation of laboratory data:
    Preanalytic variability
    Analytical variability

    Hematopoietic system
    Hemochromocytometric examination
    Evaluation of iron metabolism
    Hemoglobin and Bilirubin
    Laboratory diagnostics anemias and diseases white blood cells
    Evaluation of coagulation, fibrinolysis, platelet function
    Major laboratory diagnostics coagulopathies

    Cardiovascular system
    Cardiac ischemia markers
    Renal system
    Chemical-physical examination of urine
    Osmolarity and specific weight
    Dosing of the main electrolytes
    Uriemia, azotemia, creatinine (and clearance)
    Proteinuria, glycosuria, hemoglobinuria, hematuria

    Endocrine system
    Diabetes laboratory diagnostics
    Hepatic system
    Main hepatic enzymes
    Bile and bilirubin
    Jaundice and urea cycle

    Plasma proteins
    Albumin and globulins
    Meaning specific protein dosage
    Dosage of plasma enzymes and hormones
    Tumor markers

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