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    Insegnamento di Internal Medicine

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: MED/09

    CFU: 3,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Annualità Singola


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Il corso ha l'obiettivo di esporre allo studente gli elementi essenziali della diagnosi e, soprattutto, dell'approccio terapeutico, in urgenza ed emergenza, alle seguenti malattie: bradi e tachiaritmie, emorragia intracranica e ictus ischemico, emorragia gastrointestinale, encefalopatia epatica, sindrome epato-renale, riacutizzazione di asma e BPCO. Inoltre, il corso ha la finalità di presentare e discutere le modalità di esecuzione delle seguenti procedure invasive diagnostico-terapeutiche in urgenza: inserimento di catetere venoso centrale, pericardiocentesi, cardioversione / defibrillazione, pacing cardiaco esterno, pulsossimetria / emogasanalisi, ventilazione con pallone valvolato e maschera, puntura lombare, paracentesi, toracentesi, inserimento di drenaggio pleurico.

    Testi di riferimento

    Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, A Comprehensive Study Guide - 9th edition, McGrow Hill Ed.
    Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine, 10th Edition 2020, Elsevier

    Obiettivi formativi

    Lo studente, al termine del corso, avrà acquisito conoscenze in ordine ai principali quadri clinici di competenza medica internistica osservati nel dipartimento di emergenza e accettazione. Il corso consente l’acquisizione di competenze fondamentali per la gestione terapeutica delle
    principali malattie di interesse medico che causano il ricovero in emergenza.


    Aver superato gli esami del IV e V anno, inclusa la farmacologia.

    Metodologie didattiche

    Lezioni Frontali
    Video didattici

    Metodi di valutazione

    Esame orale di fine corso

    Programma del corso

    1) Central vein cannulation
    Diagnosis and treatment of bradyarrhythmias.
    External cardiac pacing

    2) Pericardiocentesis
    Diagnosis and treatment of tachyarrhythmias.
    Basic defibillator training
    Cardioversion / defibrillation

    3) Bag-valve mask ventilation
    Diagnosis and management of intracranial hemorrhage

    4) Lumbar puncture NEJM video
    Diagnosis and management of ischemic stroke
    Rapid sequence intubation ppt

    5) Paracentesis
    Liver emergencies: GI bleed, hep encephal, hepato-renal syndrome
    Variceal ligation

    6) Pulse oximetry / Arterial blood gas analysis
    COPD and asthma exacerbation
    Acute respiratory failure / Oxygen therapy
    Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation

    7) Needle aspiration of pnx
    Needle thoracostomy
    Treatment of COVID-19
    Chest tube insertion pigtail

    8) Septic shock management
    Transfusion primer


    Teaching language



    The course aims to describe the basic concepts on the diagnosis of, and most importantly, the therapeutic approach, in the emergency setting, to the following diseases: bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias, intracranial hemorrhage and ischemic stroke, GI bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, hepato-renal syndrome, COPD and asthma exacerbations. Furthermore, teaching aims to present and discuss how to perform the following invasive diagnostic-therapeutic procedures in the emergent setting: and to perform the following procedures: central vein cannulation, pericardiocentesis, cardioversion / defibrillation, external cardiac pacing, pulse oximetry / arterial blood gas analysis, bag-valve mask ventilation, lumbar puncture, paracentesis, chest tube insertion.

    Textbook and course materials

    Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, A Comprehensive Study Guide - 9th edition, McGrow Hill Ed.
    Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine, 10th Edition 2020, Elsevier

    Course objectives

    At the end of the course, the student will have acquired basic knowledge on the main clinical presentations to the emergency department. The course will allow the acquisition of fundamental skills for the therapeutic management of major medical diseases that cause emergency hospitalization.


    Having passed 4th and 5th year exams, including pharmacology.

    Teaching methods

    F2F lessons
    Videos and tutorials

    Evaluation methods

    Final Course Oral Exam

    Course Syllabus

    1) Central vein cannulation
    Diagnosis and treatment of bradyarrhythmias.
    External cardiac pacing

    2) Pericardiocentesis
    Diagnosis and treatment of tachyarrhythmias.
    Basic defibillator training
    Cardioversion / defibrillation

    3) Bag-valve mask ventilation
    Diagnosis and management of intracranial hemorrhage

    4) Lumbar puncture NEJM video
    Diagnosis and management of ischemic stroke
    Rapid sequence intubation ppt

    5) Paracentesis
    Liver emergencies: GI bleed, hep encephal, hepato-renal syndrome
    Variceal ligation

    6) Pulse oximetry / Arterial blood gas analysis
    COPD and asthma exacerbation
    Acute respiratory failure / Oxygen therapy
    Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation

    7) Needle aspiration of pnx
    Needle thoracostomy
    Treatment of COVID-19
    Chest tube insertion pigtail

    8) Septic shock management
    Transfusion primer

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