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    Maria PAVIA


    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: MED/42

    CFU: 5,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Teaching language



    1. Objectives and tools of hygiene and preventive medicine
    2. Epidemiology, prevention and control of infectious diseases
    3. Epidemiology and prevention of non-communicable diseases
    4. Environmental health
    5. Food hygiene and nutrition
    6.Healthcare system organization
    7.Health policies and management
    8. Risk management in Healthcare Facilities

    Course objectives

    At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
    1. describe the objectives and purposes of hygiene and preventive medicine;
    2. describe the tools of health protection, health promotion and disease prevention; know the main areas of prevention and be able to describe their application;
    4. describe the organization of the NHS and the main differences compared to other health systems;
    5. describe the epidemiology of the most important and frequent infectious diseases and the related strategies of prevention and control
    6. describe the epidemiology of the most important and frequent non-communicable diseases and the related strategies of prevention and control;
    7. describe the main environmental determinants of health and disease
    8. describe the role of food hygiene and nutrition on health and disease;
    9. describe determinants of patients’ safety in healthcare organizations.


    Methods in epidemiology

    Teaching methods

    Frontal lessons and discussion with students. The lessons will be divided into three parts. A brief introduction to resume the topics developed in the previous lesson, answers to questions on the topics developed and presentation of new topics.

    Evaluation methods

    Evaluation of the student proficiency is based on an oral examination. The oral exam covers all the aspects of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine described in the syllabus. During the examination, the student should be able to discuss the topics and be able to connect and analyze the different subjects. The oral exam is aimed at verifying the student’s ability to apply knowledge and methodologies of hygiene and preventive medicine acquired during the course to face and solve population health needs, with particular regard to the specific role of the physician in the management of public health and preventive medicine issues. The final grade is expressed in 30/30 where 18 represents the minimum and 30 the maximum.

    Course Syllabus

    1. The objectives and tools of Hygiene and preventive medicine
    1.1. Definitions and purposes of Hygiene
    1.2. Planning and organization of health services
    1.3. Surveillance
    1.4. Levels of prevention
    1.5 Health protection
    1.6. Health promotion
    2. Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases
    2.1. General epidemiology of infectious diseases
    2.2. Strategies of prevention and control of infectious diseases
    2.3. Disinfection and sterilization
    2.4. Vaccines and vaccination strategies
    3. Epidemiology and prevention of specific infectious diseases
    3.1 Airborne
    3.2 Waterborne and foodborne
    3.3 Bloodborne
    3.4 Vectorborne
    3.5 With environmental reservoir
    3.6 Sexually transmitted
    4. Epidemiology and prevention of non-communicable diseases
    4.1. Determinants of non-communicable diseases
    4.2. Strategies of prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
    5. Environmental health
    5.1 Water pollution and preservation and health
    5.2 Air pollution and health
    6. Food hygiene and nutrition
    6.1. Food preservation
    6.2. Food poisoning
    7. Risk management in Healthcare Facilities
    7.1. The clinical risk
    7.2. Healthcare-associated infections

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